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Tania Devaiah

Tania is an activist and campaigner with a passion for working on issues that arise in the intersect of human rights, environment, resource use, gender and conservation. With a Master's degree in Social Work (TISS), she has spent the last decade working on issues ranging from anti human trafficking, public education and health care, community media as a tool for social change, running and winning campaigns using nimble, innovative campaigning models on environmental and gender rights issues to name a few. She has worked with Prerna Anti Trafficking Center, Biocon Foundation, Video Volunteers and Hailing from the heart of the Western Ghats in Kodagu (Coorg) and currently based in Goa, she feels a deep connection to nature and wildlife. Tania is passionate about creating alternatives for a sustainable future for the environment and for communities on the frontline of conservation in India, be it by enabling options for sustainable livelihoods in the eco tourism sector or by engaging in community initiatives focused on participatory conservation and species protection. She is also currently experimenting with writing for social change.

TEL +91 - 8308600699





C/o Conservation Catalyst LLP 751/1, Behind Chodankar Garage, Salvador Do Mundo ,
Alto Porvorim, Bardez, Goa – 403521


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