Marishia holds a Bachelors degree in Zoology and Botany from St. Xaviers College Autonomous, Mumbai. She has a great interest and passion for the environment, in pursuit of this passion she has interned with organizations like Wildlife Institute of India, WWF Maharashtra, SACON and The Saving Tiger Society. Through these experiences she has realized that spreading knowledge, awareness, interacting with the locals and bridging the gap between the decision making privileged and the people who are actually affected by these decisions is one of the key aspects to protecting and conserving our environment and the wildlife it holds. To be well equipped to do so she aspires to get into practical conservation and wants to use her strong interpersonal skills to get local communities involved in environment sustainability and conservation.
Kanishk Srinivasan, Intern
Mallika Talwar , Intern
Hailing from Kolkata, Kanishk holds a Bachelor's degree in Sociology with a Concentration in Environmental Studies from Ashoka University. He is interested in approaching issues relating to conservation from a social science perspective. In view of this, he has interned with organisations such as YUVA and Wildlife Trust of India on themes relating to development, urbanisation and human-animal conflicts. These experiences have led him to realise that working with communities is crucial to conservation initiatives. Aside from this, Kanishk is also passionate about the outdoors and takes a keen interest in adventure sports such as trekking and scuba diving among others. He hopes to use his experiences to some day set up an organisation that combines his love for adventure sports with community-based conservation initiatives.
Mallika has completed a Bachelor’s degree in Life Sciences from St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai. Having developed an interest in environmental conservation through her years at school and college, Mallika decided to gain a better understanding of conservation practice and research in India. With that purpose in mind, she interned with WWF-Maharashtra and is hoping to gain further research experience with Terra Conscious. Having grown up in coastal Gujarat, she has always felt a connection with coastal communities and marine conservation and hopes to use the skills, knowledge and experience she has gathered to positively impact the field of community-based marine conservation.
Marishia Rodrigues, Intern
Goan Youth Leadership In Conservation Fellow, 2017

Bhoomika completed her junior college in March 2016, after which she decided to gain some work experience before starting her undergraduate studies. Over the past year, she has volunteered and interned with several organisations to better understand what she wants to specialise in. She has experience in handling urban wildlife, setting up and conducting awareness programmes, as well as building terrariums with a start-up called Into The Wild. She is passionate about nature and enjoys taking part in adventure sports activities. She has always loved being out in nature, loved taking part in adventurous outdoor activities, loved all kinds of animals. She has also worked as a field assistant in Kudremukh with a PhD student working on False Vampire bats. She has volunteered in a couple of rescue and rehabilitation centres like WRRC as well. She is always wanting to learn more and stay connected to wildlife and communities and learn more so that she can contribute to what they have given her.
Bhoomika Kumar, Intern